낙도(離島) (오키나와 본섬 근처)낙도(離島) (오키나와 본섬 근처)

Sights of Ishigaki-jimaSights of Yaeyama IslandsSights of Miyako,IrabuSights of Kumejima

낙도(離島) (오키나와 본섬 근처)Article content is from here

이헤야지마(伊平屋島)에 가려면 꼭 이용해야 하는 페리선! 알아두면 좋은 팁 총정리!

伊平屋島 フェリー

오키나와 본섬에서 북쪽으로 40km 정도 떨어진 이헤야지마(伊平屋島)로 가는 방법은 오키나와 북부의 운텐 항구(運天港)에서 출발하는 페리선 밖에 없답니다. 섬까지의 소요시간은 약 80분 정도예요.

이헤야지마로 가는 데 있어서 유일한 교통수단인 페리선.
관광지로써도 아직 이름이 잘 알려져 있지 않기 때문일까, 막상 이헤야지마에 대해 좀 더 알고 싶어도 관련 상세정보가 거의 없는 게 현실이랍니다.

그래서 이번에는 직접 이헤야지마에 다녀온 필자가 여러분의 궁금증을 시원하게 해결해 드리고자 해요!
페리선의 운항정보, 요금, 내부까지, 속속들이 소개해 드릴게요.
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Appealing Point of Minna Island ~Suprising Beautiful Ocean~


Minna Island is an isolated island popular for its convenient access from the Northern Okinawa main island.

Would you like to enjoy swimming in the ocean and other ocean activities in a surprisingly beautiful ocean?
Here, we will be introducing this beautiful isolated island, Minna Island.

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Perfect Guide for Enjoying Miyakosoba ~Miyakosoba Eating Tours in Okinawa~


A characteristic of Miyako soba is the toppings are placed under the noodles rather than on top.
This time, we would like to introduce you to some carefully selected and delicious Miyako soba restaurants on Miyako island and on Okinawa’s main island.

We will explain the difference between Miyako soba and Okinawa soba.
We have collected some useful information on Miyako soba.

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Day Trip Experience in Nagannu Island


“Nagannu Island” is an island where you can visit on a small boat leaving from Naha, close enough for a day trip. It is one of the Kerama Islands and popular for its beautiful ocean.

Today we will show you about our experience at Nagannu Island! We hope people who are thinking about going there will refer to this information.

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How to fully spend the relaxing time in Aka Island


In March 2014, Okinawa’s ‘Kerama Islands’ were designated as a national park.

The sea around the Kerama Islands is popularly known as ‘Kerama Blue’ because of the many gradients of blue that can be seen in the sea. It is one of the most beautiful seascapes in Okinawa.

Enchanted by ‘Kerama Blue’, many tourists from around the world come to visit the area.

This time we will introduce one of the Kerama Islands called ‘Aka Island’.

Aka Island has it all – from stunning beaches to delicious food and bars with great cocktails.

Please check our model course that will make the most of your time on the island!

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